=================================================== Instructions on how to run Metagenome Orchestra (Orchestra or Mago for short) within an Oracle VirtualBox virtual machine. Orchestra homepage: http://mago.fe.uni-lj.si =================================================== --------------------------- DOWNLOADING ORCHESTRA IMAGE --------------------------- 1. Make sure that Oracle VirtualBox is installed on your system. Please refer to web page https://www.virtualbox.org/ for VirtualBox information and installation files. 2. Download Orchestra virtual machine image: http://mago.fe.uni-lj.si/mago_V2_2_virtualbox.ova and save it in a local directory of your choice. 3. Start Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager. In File menu, select Import Appliance. In the entry "Appliance to import" point to the downloaded Orchestra OVA file. Click "Import" and accept license agreement. The import process begins and it takes a while. If everything goes well, your Orchestra virtual machine is ready to run. Run it by selecting "Metagenome Orchestra" virtual machine in Oracle VM VirtualBox manager and clicking Start. Orchestra virtual machine does not require a password to login. For advanced tasks like installing of new packages or running sudo command, use: username: mago password: mago -------------------------- RUNNING ORCHESTRA PIPELINE -------------------------- To test Orchestra setup and to get the idea about how Orchestra works, we prepared a simple demo setup, which is included in the Orchestra virtual machine. Demo files are located in directory: /home/mago/mago_demo_V2_2/ To run demo, double click desktop icon "Run Demo". This opens a terminal window in which Orchestra demo execution can be monitored. The resulting files start appearing in directory: /home/mago/mago_demo_V2_2_output/ As an alternative way to run demo, open Linux terminal and execute: mago /home/mago/mago_demo_V2_2/demo_vbox.txt Orchestra starts processing. File demo_vbox.txt instructs Orchestra to output results of processing to directory: /home/mago/mago_demo_V2_2_output/ For real metagenome analyses prepare your input reads in a directory of your preference, and constellate a suitable configuration file, based on a configuration template (which is also a user manual) at http://mago.fe.uni-lj.si/config_template_V2_2.txt